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Signs of Change

Before Sharrows came the Outreach campaign including these light pole banners

The bike community eagerly awaits the installation of Sharrows on Coast Hwy here in Corona del Mar.

Little sign, big message

For too long cyclists have either chosen to ride in the door-zone, or were bullied by harried motorists into riding dangerously close to parked cars. It’s happened to me too many times, and for no good reason, too.

Will motorist behavior change for the better? WIll more courtesy suddenly occur on this busy stretch of road?

It might take awhile. But there’s a new spirit of cooperation from many motorists I’ve spoken with. Eventually, everyone will get the message and yield to cyclists. It’s happened that way elsewhere, like in Long Beach and other cities. The new rule is: slow for cyclists and pass them on the left. They have a right to the full lane when there isn’t enough space for a bike lane and dangers lurk from suddenly opening car doors. It’s not a new rule, but too few knew, including cyclists.

It’s an exciting time for many local bike advocates. The eventual Sharrows will be the first to appear on PCH anywhere in the state, but not for long. Several other cities are planning a similar safety campaign. But we’ll be first. It’s a sign of change…

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