He was riding his bike down State Street, in front of the Museum of Art…
Shower with a Friend
The teen’s toilet was overflowing — time to call a plumber. No pictures of this situation unfortunately, I was too busy dealing with the 2″ of water on the floor.
It’s a simple repair, so to keep the plumber busy for the hour my wife is looking around the house for other things that need fixing. The shower heads in the master bath — one works ok, the other quite poorly, so the whole idea of doubling up in the shower is a little inequitable.
The plumber understood immediately and told me where to go for replacements. Before he left he teflon-taped the threads so all I’d have to do is screw on the new shower heads. I can do that.
Turns out that Pacific Sales is fairly convenient to the Back Bay Loop trail. There is a little thrill as my wife and I cross the 73 Fwy bridge widening project at Jamboree, but in just a block we’re safely tucked onto Dove Street then Von Karman Ave to Main Street. It’s quiet in this light industrial section of Irvine; today everyone wants to be somewhere recreating — we sailed along with the road all to ourselves.
We’d called ahead and knew the two shower heads were waiting for us. The 11mi route was a nice opportunity to ride with a purpose; I’m always looking for ways to run errands by bike.
Somewhere en route I came up with the name for this post.
I was reluctant to share this burst of creative energy until after I got my wife to pose; actually, I still haven’t told her.
We stopped for a snack on the way back; it was a gorgeous day for a ride. The typical afternoon head winds were blowing in our faces — I had to pedal a little harder, but as I thought about the sweat I was working up, those new shower heads kept coming to mind.
Installation was easy. All I needed was a crescent wrench; the plumber encouraged just a little half-turn to snug them in place. The photography was more involved than the actual hardware setup. My wife wouldn’t come near the shower until I put the camera away.