He was riding his bike down State Street, in front of the Museum of Art…
Tony’s Used Bikes

He wouldn’t let me take his picture and he didn’t want me taking pictures of his bikes — I suppose he didn’t want trouble from people saying, “I saw my stolen bike in that photo!” But few bereft owners would find much of value at Tony’s Used Bikes in Portsmouth, NH. To say that all the good stuff had been picked over would be an understatement.
I walked right by then turned and strolled in. There must’ve been dozens of old bikes lined up in his long driveway next to his house. I instantly remembered the vintage bike I found for my son last November — it was in great condition, with new tires — it was ready to roll. Tony’s bikes were not ready to ride. A casual inspection made me doubt I could get far. In spite of these clues I walked further up the driveway. There was a shed and the door was open; maybe the proprietor was busy at work.
“Hello, anybody home?” I called. I half felt like I was trespassing now — I pulled out my phone and snapped a few photos, in case a story developed. Then I was greeted by Mrs. Tony — she must’ve heard me and come out of the house — she looked pleased to see me, like they weren’t getting many customers. She was a sight and I couldn’t help but smile; her hair was in curlers for a Friday night out, I suppose. She offered to find Tony and in a minute he came out from around the back of the house; I’ll bet he was in his early 80’s, a short man with thick glasses.
I mumbled something like, “Nice shop,” and he beamed with pride. I quickly followed up, “Do you still ride yourself?”
No, not any more, he admitted. Some back surgery left him with a compromised sense of balance.
“You need a three-wheeler!” Now I was selling him a bike.
He assumed I bought old bikes and fixed them up, but I told him no, but for more than a minute that’s just what I wished I was. And Tony could’ve used the help. My problem-solving talents wanted to kick in and ever since our short time together I’ve thought he should hire some kid to fix up some of these prized relics; he’d sell more bikes.
Portsmouth, NH is a great place to ride. Next time you visit try to take Tony’s picture.
Tony’s Used Bikes
413 Islington Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801
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I hope you visited Warren’s Lobster House (http://www.lobsterhouse.com/) while you were in Portsmouth. It’s just across the Portsmouth River, in Kittery, Maine.