A few days ago I was interviewed on Max Mautner's new channel, How to Meet…
From the National Women’s Bicycling Forum
I knew this one-day event had the potential to steal the buzz from the entire week of the National Bike Summit.
The National Women’s Bicycling Forum had a super turnout, inspiring speakers, and great buzz. I met people from across the country and internationally, some new friends and some I’ve spoken to but never met in person.
I keep asking myself, “Why did I want to sponsor this event?” Lots of reasons, like many of my best interview guests are women, and women are under represented on bikes, I have 3 sisters…
But I keep coming back to Carolyn Szczepanski, the Communications Director for the League of American Bicyclists that hosted the week; she’s an amazing person. Who wouldn’t want to support her?
As I wandered out of the conference, heading out early to return home for a Coastal Commission meeting, I bumped into Carolyn. “I want to sponsor again next year, too.”