That was the prompt this morning at the Mesa Writers Group – it was my…
My Favorite Shuttle Bus Driver
Ron saved my life, twice!
It was 4:30pm Tuesday Oct 30, 2018 when I was riding northbound on my bike on State Street. Ironically, I was coming from City Hall where I had interviewed for the Transportation and Congestion Committee.
Earlier, on my way to City Hall I was surprised to find the traffic signals out at Carrillo and Canon Perdido at State – no big deal, traffic was well behaved and I easily crossed the intersection.
The ride home would be different
As is often the case, like 2 dolphins zipping alongside a whale, myself and another bike rider were pedaling up State, the MTD shuttle making stops and safely merging back into traffic, like happens almost daily for me.
As I approached Carrillo the shuttle bus was stopped right beside us, waiting for his turn to enter the intersection while the traffic light was still off. I couldn’t see around the shuttle, so I synchronized my movement with the Shuttle. As the Shuttle moves into the intersection he quickly stops and blows his horn long and loudly; I can’t see why, but it only takes a second for 2 cars to go flying directly in front of the bus – if I hadn’t stopped they would’ve flattened me like a pancake.
In only seconds the bus pulls forward again, only to stop for a second time, blowing his horn long and loud. Knowing the drill, I stop, too, as a third vehicle zips through the intersection.
In either case, I could have easily pedaled past the Shuttle into harms way. Only later do I stop to think, the shuttle bus driver blew his horn in such a way not to scold the motorists, but to warn the 2 bicycles that were tucked in his shadow. I’m thankful.
Two days later
Two days later heading to the Amtrak Station, I hop on the shuttle, “Bus driver, may I ask a question?”
“I may not have the answer,” he cajoles.
“Were you driving Tuesday during the signal outage? I was riding my bike…”
“I blew my horn.” He immediately knows what I’m talking about.
You saved my life, twice!
“I’m Ron…”