I must have looked lost, too. “Can you find my dad?” A little boy was…
I should be a big believer
Years ago in my early 30’s I struggled to earn a decent living. This was after I had started my own business in Seattle a few years prior. Even though that endeavor went boom-bust, nonetheless, I had owned a house with a pool and drove a Porsche – life was good. But at this point, I was adrift, working retail, getting by on scraps.
Retail computer sales was my gig – I was out there on the front lines before the IBM PC made the scene. Customers were rare even though many were intrigued. One customer in particular comes to mind; he ran a church in Long Beach, CA, of which I knew next to nothing other than he put the PCs I sold him to good use. He also recognized the value inherent in digitizing the faithful; he never blinked at the invoices I wrote him. He was a good customer.
As has happened many times in my life, my computer skills were much admired, and customers would want more than just hardware from me. So it’s not long before I’m making regular appearances at, let’s call him Larry’s – he’s trying to push the envelope (literally) within his congregation, and I was his tech guy, executing his vision.
Back then I had no idea as to what my contributions were worth, and in some cases I’d be working gratis, hoping it would lead to a commission from subsequent PC orders. Yes, I was probably working for free. At some point, Larry’s conscience must’ve squawked. One night, perhaps the last, he asked if there was anything he could do for me (other than pay me). His tone implied a spiritual payment. Could he pray for something I might want or need in my life?
Well I was never very religious, 4 years of Catholic High School had opened my eyes to the opposite of faith, but when Larry asked as I was wrapping up another gig in his high rise, oceanfront apartment, I did know what I wanted from the spirit world he imagined he conjured. I mentioned prosperity, and he smiled. Today I picture his business card saying “Prosperity is my specialty” in big, gold embossed letters. And so it came to pass. He raised his hands and delivered his prayer for prosperity, right there on the spot, his specialty.
Kinda comical as I look back at this moment in time, but darn it all, I gotta tell you, even though it took the better part of 20 years, his prayer, I wonder, was it part of my eventual success? Even if only a microscopically small part?
You’d think I’d be a big believer today, but a skeptic I remain.