Visit Your Mother
There's so much you can do on your bike: Go for coffee Buy groceries Ride to school Commute to work Visit your mother It was my best offer — I would join my sister who was visiting from Portland and…
There's so much you can do on your bike: Go for coffee Buy groceries Ride to school Commute to work Visit your mother It was my best offer — I would join my sister who was visiting from Portland and…
It's time for the last few preparations as I finalize my bike for the Erie Canal ride coming up in just a few weeks. Campus Wheeelworks in Buffalo wants the bike shipped to them 2 weeks prior to my departure…
Sometimes I feel that implementing bike safety improvements, influencing the community, it can be a game of inches, like football. Here's an example of a small improvement I wrote up during the 2009 Newport Beach Bike Safety Task Force. What's…
Cyclovia Tucson t-shirt There's no spell checking this post; it's a word to be spoken more so than printed. Ciclovia, CicLAvia, Cyclovia, take your pick; it started in Bogota, Columbia where on Sundays they close the streets to cars, leaving…
Across the street from Newport Harbor High School A transportation engineer's dilemma turns into a bike lane compromise. You don't want to piss off nearby homeowners; they want to park their cars on the street, but you still have to…
Copenhagen cement mixer? No, I'm in front of the Swedish Embassy in Washington where InterBike is hosting a few manufacturers, but not this working two-wheeler. I'm here for the League of American Bicyclists' National Bike Summit; my first time attending.Washington…