It's one of the first things you notice, after accelerating up a hill I mean: everyone has something to say about my new Pedego Commuter; it's a conversation-starter. The Balboa Island ferry Captain wanted to know how I liked it…
How often do you get to give a little corrective feedback to an errant motorist? I had my opportunity as I was heading home from an early morning meeting. I've had like zero times to actually comment to a motorist…
Most days I sit at my desk for too many hours. Sound familiar? But his week was different; I was ahead of schedule on my projects. That gave me time to ride.
It's a beautiful morning at the Balboa Is ferry
My goal would be to ride 100 miles this week. Most people would add a little variety to their rides, but lately I keep heading in the same direction — across the ferry to the peninsula, the pier and on to Huntington and Sunset Beach. I’m not stuck in a rut; it’s just so beautiful. And it’s fun to ride off-road where there’s lots of people.
Then, here it comes — I love to see the ferry sans autos!
The ferry without cars
Soon I’m on the peninsula where I notice a new facade to Back Alley Bicycles; I go closer. The peninsula has the highest mode-share, which means more people ride bikes here than anywhere else in Newport Beach. There are many bike rental stores here, so the competition keeps prices low. The flat terrain is ideal for riding a beach cruiser.
"This is the most beautiful bike ride I've ever taken," my Oregon friend Marcie was quick to say; we hadn't gone far and there was much more scenery still to come. Living here in Corona del Mar I might take…
"I'm jealous," she spoke loud enough to get my attention — this from the blonde in the convertible next to me. We're both stopped, not going anywhere for awhile. As I glance her way, I take my time to consider…