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Kent’s Wrap-Up

Kent Issenberg

I asked Kent for his final thoughts on the ride:

The change in my body around day 4 was notable, vis a vie aches and pains. They virtually disappeared, although the tuchus (Yiddish for rear-end) was an issue off and on throughout the ride (even with a seat change), my back, neck and shoulders settled down comfortably.

Synthetic clothing and its drying properties quickly showed their attributes, whereby sink washing at day’s end always resulted in dry, clean clothes in the morning. My long sleeve Under Amour, worn under my short sleeve bike shirt, kept me comfortable in the 40 degree early mornings.

Conversation flowed easily, interspersed with periods of silence to play with our own thoughts. Although the level of concentration to manage the road or trail and bike was mildly consuming.

The sustained day in and day out physical activity not only increased our strength, as the ride progressed, it released those endorphins providing more confidence in riding skills. We were so proud of ourselves after climbing ½ mile long Tribes Hill and not gasping for air at the top!

Nine days on the road with few concerns, other than what’s ahead, had an effect on my psyche that I was not prepared for when I returned home. For an extended period I was not in my real world, did not have to deal with the everyday matters of family, business — only you and me. It was certainly freeing and relaxing while on the road, but the transition back to my real life was abrupt. I guess the only solution is to tour again.

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